Chronic Disease Management - for patients who suffer from Asthma, Diabetes & Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Our practice nurses are specially trained in disease management and patients are encouraged to attend to a full review of the above conditions each year. The nurse will review medication, undertake disease monitoring and physical examination and may offer lifestyle and dietary advice.
You may require blood tests before attending the clinic, in which case you will be informed beforehand.
The Doctors strongly recommend that you attend the annual review, but please let us know as soon as possible if you decide not to attend; someone else might be waiting for an appointment. You will be invited again in 12 months but you can still request an appointment sooner if you change your mind. If you are aware that your annual review is due and you do not wish to attend please advise us in writing or sign a form at the surgery as this will save us contacting you again for that 12-month period.
Other Services
Please telephone the surgery for an appointment/more details for the following:
- Smoking Cessation - contact Help Me Quit
- Minor Surgery
- Family planning (Contraception, Pre-conception Advice)
- Maternity services
- Anti-coagulation Monitoring
- Drug monitoring service
Help with Giving Up Smoking
Contact Help Me Quit - 0800 085 2219
Text: HMQ to 80818
Travel and Other Immunisations
Please make an appointment with the practice nurse at least eight weeks in advance of your holiday. The practice nurse will provide advice on travel health and guidance on the currently recommended vaccinations for the countries that you plan to visit.
Please note some vaccinations are not covered by the NHS and there will be a charge payable. A list of these charges is held at reception.
Cervical Smears
Ladies between 20 and 65 have a cervical smear every five years (with effect from January 2022) You can arrange to have a smear taken by the practice nurse if you have had an invite letter from the Wales Cervical Screening Service.
You will be informed of the result of your smear by post from the All Wales Screening Service. This should normally be within four weeks. The practice nurse will be pleased to speak to you if you have any concerns.
Flu Vaccinations Clinics (start October annually)
Influenza vaccination is recommended for all patients aged over 65 and for those who are pregnant, morbidly obese (with BMI of 40 or above) suffer from diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease (cirrhosis, biliary atresia, chronic hepatitis), heart problems, chronic respiratory diseases including asthmatics on regular inhaled steroids, patients who are immunosuppressed, have suffered a stroke or transient ischaemic attack and long-stay residents of nursing and residential homes, Carer or healthcare worker.
If you are a poultry worker or main Carer for an elderly or disabled person who welfare may be at risk if you fell ill are also eligible for a flu vaccination.
Children aged 2 & 3 attend the surgery for vaccination. Children of primary school age are vaccinated in school.
Please contact the reception towards the end of September for details of the vaccination clinics. If you are unable to attend the surgery, we can arrange a home visit.
What is flu?
Flu is an acute viral respiratory infection. It spreads easily from person to person, at home, at school, at work, at the supermarket, on the bus etc.
It gets passed on when someone who already has flu coughs or sneezes and is transmitted through the air by droplets, or it can be spread by hands contaminated with the virus.
Symptoms can include fever, chills, headache, muscle pain, extreme fatigue, a dry cough, sore throat and stuffy nose. Most people will recover within a week but flu can cause severe illness or even death in people at high risk. It is estimated that 10,000 deaths in Wales & England are attributable to influenza infection annually.
Pneumococcal Vaccinations
This vaccination is recommended for all patients over 65 and for those who suffer from conditions such as chronic heart disease, chronic respiratory problems including some asthmatics, diabetes, chronic renal disease, chronic liver disease, immunosuppression, asplenia or dysfunction of the spleen, cochlear implants and CSF shunts.
Immunisation helps prevent pneumococcal disease which is a term used to describe a range of illnesses such as pneumonia, septicaemia (blood poisoning) and Meningitis (inflammation around the brain), when these are caused by the bacterium Streptococcus Pneumoniae. Most people will only need to have the vaccine once. Please contact the practice nurse to enquire whether you should have the vaccination.
Private and Non-NHS Services
The NHS does not pay for some of the services we provide. These include private sick notes, insurance forms, holiday cancellation forms, medical reports, fitness to travel certificates, private prescriptions, passport signing and some vaccination services. Please telephone the surgery for appointments and details of charges.
Blood Tests
Blood tests are required to assist in diagnosis, but also to enable the GPs and Nurses to check the effect of prescribed medication.
Patients are asked to have blood tests prior to annual reviews for conditions such as Diabetes.
Appointments should be booked with our Health Care Assistants. Please phone to make an appointment.
If you need a blood test before an outpatients appointment and have been sent blood forms you can also attend the outpatient phlebotomy clinic at the hospital.
Physiotherapy Self-referral
You can see a Physiotherapist without having to see your GP first.
Physiotherapy can be beneficial if you are suffering from low back pain, neck pain, recent injuries such as sprains and strains, or joint and muscular pain.
How to make a self-referral
To complete the physiotherapy self-referral form please visit Physiotherapy self-referral form [EXTERNAL LINK]
The self-referral form is not appropriate for people under 18 years of age or for neurological, respiratory or gynaecological conditions.
Complete the form and return it to the:
Physiotherapy Administration Office
Physiotherapy Department
Penrhos Stanley Hospital
LL65 2QA
What will happen next
A Physiotherapist will read your form and place you on the waiting list. They will then contact you regarding an appointment, normally at Penrhos Stanley Hospital, Holyhead or the Cefni Hospital, Llangefni. You may be sent some advice and exercises to do whilst you are waiting for an appointment.
Early Advice
If you feel your condition just requires some advice, a Physiotherapist will call you and discuss the most appropriate way to manage your problem.
For enquiries only, please contact the physiotherapy department on 01407 766047/66.
You should contact your GP if you have any concerns regarding your general health.
Private Services
The NHS does not pay for some of the services we provide. These include private sick notes, insurance forms, holiday cancellation forms, medical reports, fitness to travel certificates, private prescriptions, passport signing and some vaccination services.
Please telephone the surgery for appointments and details of charges.