The surgery email address is
Please only use the e-mail for non-urgent matters or general enquiries after first checking our website information.
For urgent issues please telephone the surgery.
If you are experiencing chest pain, collapse, severe breathing difficulties, have one sided weakness or slurred speech or severe bleeding, please dial 999 immediately.
While it may be possible to deal with queries sent via email, detailed discussion is unlikely to be entered into and you may be directed to make an appointment with the GP or other appropriate health care professional.
You can request an appointment by email. Please tell us what the problem is so we can select the most appropriate health care professional. We may even direct you to another service if appropriate.
Please be aware that by emailing the practice you are consenting for us to contact you. You will first be sent an automated response and then we will aim to get back to you within 3 working days. Emails will be accessed by staff at the surgery and a copy may be recorded in your electronic record. We may add your email address to your patient record.
Internet email accounts such as those used by individuals for private purposes, are not secure. There is a risk of your email being intercepted or hacked. You are responsible for ensuring the correctness of your email settings to enable a reply to be received to your email inbox. We recommend using a private email account, not a family or shared account for the purposes of emailing the practice.
Your email may form part of your permanent medical record so you may wish to consider using appropriate language and forms of address when writing them. Emails may be archived for up to 7 years under NHS Wales protocol.